Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 3172

Chapter 3172 Never Had Children
“Thinking about staying here?’ Luca teased her.
Nina squinted her eyes and said, “I’d love to, but Percy won’t allow it. But I could always pick a fight with him. Then, I’d have an excuse to move here. This place feels like half my home anyway.”
“Please don’t. If Mr. Mallory finds out about your plan, he might hold a grudge against me.” Luca laughed.
Nina waved her hand dismissively. “He wouldn’t dare!”
“But seriously, if you like it here, you should visit more often. The kids really like you,” continued Luca. “They even said they had a gift for you when they heard you were coming today.”
Luca paused for a moment, suddenly realizing she had revealed the kids’ plan. “Just pretend you didn’t hear that, okay?”
Nina sat up straight and looked excitedly at Luca. “Really? The kids actually prepared a gift for me?”
“Yes. They said that since you’ll be getting married soon, they wanted to surprise you with a gift every week. They started preparing it after finishing their
homework last night and were still working on it today. But I don’t know what the gift is.
“So when you get the gift, act surprised, or I’ll ruin their plan to surprise you.” “I got it. I got it.” Nina made an ‘OK’ gesture, feeling touched. “I never expected Luke’s kids to be so sweet, and they’re so kind to me! I’m really moved!”
Vivian, who was listening to their conversation, added, “Kids have so many creative ideas. It’s clear they really like you.”
Nina nodded proudly. “I did the right thing by doting on them so much!”
She recalled how after Bianca lost her memory, the atmosphere in the Crawford family was off.
Nina often visited Bianca, bringing various treats and toys for the kids. With Luke’s permission, she would take them out to have fun and relax.
She knew how much the kids were affected by their mother’s condition. As their mother’s best friend, she did everything she could to make them happy and shield them from adult problems.
Her genuine care and affection won the kids’ hearts, and they loved her back.
Nina turned to look at Luca. She did not expect another woman to win over the kids’ hearts.
She marveled at how another woman had come to love these kids and take care of them as if they were her own.
Just as they talked about it, they saw the three kids approaching. Luca reminded Nina, “Remember to act like you know nothing. Don’t spoil their surprise.”
Nina saw the kids coming over and smiled. “Weren’t you reading your books?” Tommy hopped over to her and asked, “Ms. Nina, are you getting married soon?”
“Yes, I told you a few days ago. You’re going to be my little ring bearer,” replied Nina as she patted Tommy’s head.
“Lanie, Rainie, and I prepared a gift for you!” announced Tommy.
“Oh? You got me a gift? What is it?” Nina pretended to look surprised.”
Show me, please.”
With a big smile, Rainie brought out a gift box from behind her and handed it to Nina. “Ms. Nina, this is our gift for you. But Lanie and Tommy aren’t very good at making things, so it might look a bit rough.”
Nina took the handmade box and saw the drawings on it, clearly done by the kids. She was deeply touched by the thought they put into even the gift box itself, and her heart was filled with emotions.
“What’s inside? Can I open it?” asked Nina.
“Of course!” Lanie and Rainie nodded in unison.
Nina opened the box to find it filled with handmade flowers. She looked at the kids in surprise. “Did you make all of these?”
“Yes, we made them all. The pretty ones were made by me, and the less pretty ones were made by Lanie and Tommy. So, as you can see, the boys aren’t very good at crafts. But to prepare this gift for you, Ms. Nina, we put in a lot of effort.
“Each flower has a note with our blessings and the things we want to say to you. You can open three flowers each day, and by the time you get married, you’ll have opened them all.” Rainie explained to her the magic of the handmade flowers.
“Why three flowers?” asked Vivian, curious about the box full of handmade flowers.
“The three of US made it together, and all the blessings inside were written by us,” explained Tommy.
Lanie stood behind his siblings without saying much. He just nodded in agreement.
“This gift is wonderful. I’ll open the flowers as soon as I get home. Thank you, Lanie. Thank you, Rainie. Thank you, Tommy. I love you all so much,”
said Nina. Her heart was brimming with emotions.
She did not expect the kids to prepare such a thoughtful gift.
They had made the flowers themselves and written the blessings personally.
Luca was also surprised. She asked, “Didn’t you just start preparing this
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“Actually, we started a while ago. We
made one or two flowers each day
much so it didn’t take up too
much time,” explained Rainie. They had not told the adults about this.
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Luca nodded and complimented them, ‘You did an amazing job preparing this gift.”
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‘Yes, it’s truly wonderful,” said Vivian. She was moved by how thoughtful and sincere the three kids were. She could not help but feel a desire to have children of her own someday. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
However, she did not even have a partner and was still in school at the moment.
Even though the universities in A City allowed students to marry and have children, having a child would make it difficult to focus on studies.
Most importantly, she did not have anyone to marry, let alone have a child with.
As Vivian looked at Luke’s three kids, she suddenly thought that maybe she
could have children of her own one day.
She had previously decided not to have children.
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The reason was simple. She considered herself unattractive and
lacked good genes. As Gordan once
said no matter how excellent the
father’s genes were, they could not change the fact that the child would inherit the The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
mother’s unattractive genes.
Why bring such a burden to the next generation?
Those words hurt Vivian, but she knew there was some truth to them. That was
why she had never entertained the thought of having kids.
However, now that she saw how well-behaved Luke’s kids were, she found
herself wanting a child.
At her age, many of her peers, even those abroad, had chosen to have children.
Yet she, despite having been married once, did not have any children with
She knew he despised her and was worried their child would be as unattractive
as she was, which was why they never had children.

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