Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1224

“Take a look here. If you experienced major leg damage in the past and allowed it to completely heal,
then these test results would show abnormalities that are outside of a healthy individual’s normal
range. But based on the in-depth X-rays taken of your bones, there’s no evidence of prior fractures that
would necessitate the use of a wheelchair.”

After listening to the dean’s thorough explanation, the wave of agitation swelling within Holden slowly
began to subside. However, his countenance remained deeply troubled.

After a lengthy silence, he simply uttered in a low tone, “I understand.”

He then turned on his heel and left the office without another word.

As he gazed at Holden’s retreating figure, the dean let out a weary sigh and a silent, heartfelt apology.

Years prior, Aldus had paid a personal visit to the hospital with an urgent request before he passed
away. He had implored the staff to not divulge anything to Holden regarding his unknown history as
Theodore under any circumstances.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Aldus had done so much for him throughout those years. Without his unwavering guidance and
support, there would’ve been no future for him today. This was why he could never go against Aldus’
dying wish despite his guilt gnawing at him from the inside.

The dean sighed once more before briefly sending Devin a message.

“Holden came to the hospital today requesting a comprehensive check-up. He instructed us to examine
his legs specifically. He might have just uncovered something.”

The reply from Devin was swift.


Still reeling from the revelation, Holden sat smoking pensively in his car after leaving the hospital. The
answers he had hoped would finally connect the fragments of his foggy memory had only led to even
more dead ends. After believing that he was so close to unraveling the mysteries of his past, he was
left frustrated that the truth continued eluding him.

In this moment of uncertainty, Holden found himself missing Ariana.

He desperately wanted to see her. He wanted to call her up this instant and Listen to her soothing
voice. He longed to ask her what kind of man Theodore had truly been deep down. But as his finger
hovered over her name in his phone’s contacts, he began to hesitate as anxiety crept in.

He feared placing this call would only serve to confirm once and for all that he was not the man she
had lost. And that their last fragile thread of connection, as delicate as glass, would be mercilessly
shattered beyond repair.

After sitting in tortured indecision for several minutes that felt more like hours, Holden finally pocketed
his phone and headed to the office. The questions still bounced around and plagued his troubled mind.

Devin arrived at work with the scheduled agenda and a fresh coffee in his hand, looking as efficient as
ever. Seeing Holden’s uncharacteristically gloomy and preoccupied mood, he feigned ignorance before
asking him in a light tone, “You seem to have a great deal on your mind, sir. Did something happen that
I ought to be aware of?”

Holden opened his mouth but paused, tempted at first to ask Devin directly for the full truth of what had
transpired five years ago.

But he thought better of it and stopped himself at the last moment.

Glancing down at the detailed itinerary in front of him, he considered for a few seconds before
addressing Devin, “I remember we had an energy development project with Ariana that was approved
for further growth. Please arrange a face-to-face meeting with her for me over the next few days to
discuss the next steps.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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